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Frequently asked questions about WOT PC Clans

If you have questions about Clans in World of Tanks, this article may address your concerns. If you do not see your inquiry listed below, please check out our Clan guide: Clan Guide

What are Clans in World of tanks?

  • A Clan is an organized group of players that regularly play together and enjoy the game. They can then use their clan to compete in Strongholds or Clan Wars for Prizes.

How can I join or create a Clan?

  • If you are not a member of a Clan yet, you can create a Clan of your own and automatically become its Commander
  • Creating a clan is a paid action that requires 1,000,000 Credits in your account
  • Read over our Knowledgebase article on how to create a Clan: Clan creation, modification and disband

How do I add or change a Clan Emblem?

  • You can upload a picture for use as your Clan emblem; this logo will appear on your tanks in-game

What is the benefit of being in a Clan?

  • Being in a Clan has many benefits. This is a great way to build a strong base of players who will play together regularly, have fun and enjoy World of Tanks together in battle
  • If your Clan competes in Strongholds or Clan Wars, you have the opportunity to build Reserves that can help your Clanmates with Credit, XP, and Crew XP boosts. The Clans in competition with each other have a chance to win Rare Tanks and Gold by playing in Clan Wars

What is Clan Wars?

  • The Global Map is part of Clan Wars, a browser-based massively multiplayer follow-up to World of Tanks
    • All you need to start playing is your World of Tanks account. If you’re looking to elevate your World of Tanks experience, you have the possibility of either joining the high-tier struggles between Clans on the Global Map or raising a powerful fortress for your own Clan in Strongholds
    • Participate in the regional operations on the Global Map and earn rewards such as in-game Gold, exclusive tanks and unique medals, or build and manage a complex Stronghold and enjoy in-game bonuses, such as XP and credit boosts for your battles 
  • Here is the link to the Global Map, Click on the"Global Map Video" link to get an idea what Clan Wars are all about: Global Map
  • The following is a link to the Global map guide. This guide will tell players everything they need to know before competing on the Global Map: Global Map Guide

What is Strongholds?

  • Strongholds is not related to Clan Wars or Team Battles, but rather, it is a mode meant to complement a Clan
  • A Stronghold is a property of a Clan and consists of a virtual military base with defensive zones and upgradable structures
  • A Clan Commander can create a Stronghold for free at any time
  • There is no minimum requirement for how many Clan members to have to build a Stronghold. You will need at least seven members to participate in a battle, however
  • The more a Stronghold is developed and upgraded, the more bonuses a Clan will receive
    • An example of this would be that a Stronghold gets upgraded for a small boost in Credits or experience per battle, and each upgrade lasts for a certain amount of time
  • Your Clansmen will also receive substantial bonuses when using Reserves
    • Reserves affect all types of battles in the game. Reserve level is defined by the level of the structure where the Reserve is prepared. Reserve effectiveness, duration, and preparation cost increases with the Reserve level
  • More information on Reserves can be found here: Reserves
  • A Stronghold Guide can be found here: Stronghold Guide

How to leave a Clan

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