Tour of Duty is a new activity for clan players that will take place at regular intervals. The duration of a Tour is two weeks. During a Tour of Duty, players earn Personal Contribution points and Tour of Duty Progression points for completing Tasks and Tour Objectives.
Earned points allow players to advance in the progression and receive valuable rewards.
Once the current Tour is over, the next Tour begins, offering new Objectives, Tasks, and rewards. The progress of the finished Tour is then reset.
There are two progressions within Tour of Duty.
Personal Contribution: This is your personal progress. Only you can advance through your personal progression. You can do this by earning Personal Contribution points for completing various Tasks. For reaching certain Personal Contribution milestones, you will receive rewards.
If you change your clan during a Tour of Duty, your Personal Contribution points will be reset. However, the rewards and Bounties earned will remain on your account, and you will not be able to receive them a second time.
If you leave a clan, then return to the clan without having joined a different clan, your Personal Contribution points will be saved.
Progression: This is the progress of the entire clan, which is measured in Tour of Duty Progression points. Progress will depend on the number of Tour of Duty Progression points earned by all players in the clan for completing both Tasks and Tour Objectives. At the same time, Tour Objectives are rewarded with more points than Tasks.
For aiding your clan’s Progression, you’ll receive Bounties, which are more valuable than Personal Contribution rewards.
If a clan has earned enough Tour of Duty Progression points to receive Bounties, all clan players whose Personal Contribution matches or exceeds the Progression Level will automatically receive the Bounties. If your Personal Contribution is insufficient, you will receive Bounties when you earn the required number of Personal Contribution points.

Two types of missions will be available to you during a Tour of Duty:
You complete these missions personally. Once a Tour of Duty begins, you will receive three Tasks. Each Task can be completed a certain number of times. You earn points every time you complete the Task. By completing Tasks, you will earn both Personal Contribution points and Tour of Duty Progression points.
WoT Premium Account allows you to earn more points for completed Tasks.
To receive new Tasks, you need to complete the entire set of Tasks currently available. Tasks can be received once a day. When a Tour of Duty begins, even incomplete Tasks will be replaced with new ones.
If you complete all the current Tasks before the game day ends, new ones will become available the next day.
If you complete all current Tasks the day after they were received, new Tasks will become available immediately.
If you complete Tasks several days after they were received, the Tasks of the current day will become available immediately.
When you join another clan during a Tour of Duty, your Task completion progress is saved.
The conditions of Tasks received on different days may vary. However, Tasks received on the same day are the same for all players.
Tour Objectives
These missions are completed by all members of the clan. During a Tour of Duty, two Objectives are available to clans each day. Each Objective can be completed a certain number of times. Similar to Tasks, clans earn Tour of Duty Progression points each time an Objective is completed.
Objectives are shared by all clan members, and the results of each clan player are counted.
Tour Objectives are the same for all clans. They are updated every day. The new Objectives replace the previous ones, regardless of whether they were fulfilled or not. If you complete all Objectives before the end of the game day, you need to wait until the beginning of the next day to get new Objectives.
You can view the current Objectives and Tasks by clicking the Clan section in the Garage.

Conditions | Restrictions |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles, Ranked Battles, clan battles, tournament battles, and Frontline battles are counted. |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles, Ranked Battles, clan battles, tournament battles, and Frontline battles are counted. |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles, Ranked Battles, clan battles, tournament battles, and Frontline battles are counted. |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles, Ranked Battles, clan battles, tournament battles, and Frontline battles are counted. |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles, Ranked Battles, clan battles, tournament battles, and Frontline battles are counted. |
Only Random Battles (15vs15 or 30vs30) played in Tier IV–X vehicles, Ranked Battles, clan battles, tournament battles, and Frontline battles are counted. |
Tour Objectives
Conditions | Restrictions |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles are counted. |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles are counted. |
Only Random Battles played in Tier IV–X vehicles are counted. |
Upon reaching certain milestones in the progressions, you will receive Personal Contribution rewards and Bounties for your clan’s Progression.
Participation in Tour of Duty allows you to earn Industrial Resource for your clan that can be used to develop the Stronghold and prepare clan Reserves.

You can read a more detailed guide about Tours of Duty on the official portal.