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Privacy Policy and Subscription Management

If you don't like receiving messages with news, promotions or information from Wargaming or our partners, you can disable them.

But first, you can read more about our Privacy Policy here: Specifically, section 8 discusses Your Rights, and how to opt out of receiving certain communications from us or our partners.

From Account Management under Subscription Management, choose Manage Subscriptions. On that page, you will see the different games as well as the ability to disable or enable to receive various kinds of messages. Uncheck this box to stop receiving emails from our partners.

I want to receive targeted messages about Wargaming partners and partner projects via email, messengers, and the game clients.


Just unmark the box in case it is active, this applies to any other news/mail subscription from other games.

If you need any help or are currently having problems managing your subscriptions, please reach out to our Support for us to better understand and help you in this situation.

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