- Our usual playing schedule:
- 23:00–05:007 days a week
- We are speaking:
- We prefer:
- Skirmishes, Advances, Global Map, Tournaments
The NUCLR Community has risen from the plague that beset TAC Nation!!! And you know who can eat a soggy bag of richards.
We're NUCLR & WARHD! Are you looking for an extremely active clan? We fight in Skirmishes, Advances and Clan Wars NIGHTLY, and are seeking members that are willing to be in Teamspeak and be a part of the fight. There's never a shortage of great people to play with. The NUCLR /WARHD Community is a "drama-free" environment where toxic game play & behavior are forbidden. We make an effort to make sure that everyone gets a chance to fight. If you've been wanting an opportunity to participate in Clan Wars, Advances, Skirmishes, and social gaming, in a stress-free environment, then we're your next home. Send me a PM and lets chat! !!
That is all. -Pud_